Imprint and Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement

Valid as of September 3, 2021


We would like to inform you in this privacy statement about the type, scope and purpose of personal data collection, processing and use upon use of the websites provided by Lecturio, “” and sub-domains like “” and of the services offered on such websites (e.g. apps). Lecturio is trustworthy and the protection of your personal data is very important. This is why we would like to show you in a transparent way how and why your data are being used. We would like to offer you user-friendly, good, customer oriented and secure services by storing, processing and using personal data.

§ 1 Definitions

Personal data

“personal data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject” or “you”); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person;


“controller” means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data; where the purposes and means of such processing are determined by Union or Member State law, the controller or the specific criteria for its nomination may be provided for by Union or Member State law;


“processor” means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes personal data on behalf of the controller;

Third party

“third party” means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or body other than the data subject, controller, processor and persons who, under the direct authority of the controller or processor, are authorised to process personal data;

§ 2 Name and contact data of the controller

The following party is responsible:

Lecturio GmbH
Käthe-Kollwitz-Str. 1
04109 Leipzig (Germany)
(“Lecturio”, “we” or “us”)

Telephone: +49 341 355 699 – 70

§ 3 Name and contact data of the data protection officer

The data protection officer of the controller for data processing is:

Mr. Martin Reininger
Lecturio GmbH
Käthe-Kollwitz-Str. 1
04109 Leipzig (Germany)
(“data protection officer”)

Any person concerned may contact the data protection officer directly at any time at the above mentioned address or via email to if he/she has any questions or suggestions regarding data protection.

§ 4 Purpose and legal basis of data processing

Lecturio operates a platform that records online courses for students and professionals in cooperation with experts and makes them available via browser and mobile apps. The services of Lecturio are generally time and location-independent. Various data relating to your member account are collected, stored, processed and used depending on the extent to which you use the services offered by us.

Collection of general data and information

Specific data transmitted by your browser when visiting our websites are stored automatically by our servers. The log files created thereby include data like your IP address, the URL and landing page, the time, type and number of requests, data volume transferred, date, time and duration of individual accesses, your browser type as well as other similar information that serve as emergency response in the case of attacks on our IT systems and as protection against license abuse.

The collection and use of the information stored in the log files only serves to correctly deliver the contents of our websites, for anonymous evaluations for statistical purposes (like analyzing the user behavior), to improve our services and to provide law enforcement authorities information necessary for prosecution in the case of cyber attacks. These data are not used to draw conclusions about a person concerned.

Data and information provided by the user

You may submit as registered user your own comments, learning notes, keywords (“tags”), reviews and other similar information within the framework of use of our services (“user contents”) which are partially visible for other users also. We reserve the right to store, process and use posts that are visible for other users in anonymous form after the deletion of the user account also, unless you ask us not to. You can find out more about this in our terms of use:

Monitoring of learning progress

Our system collects data about your personal user behavior, such as your learning progress, viewed videos and answered quiz questions or similar activities in order to provide you with optimal support while learning. These may be viewed depending on the implementation of the administrators of your employer or your university / educational institution. Data regarding your learning progress are not passed on to unauthorized third parties under any circumstances.

Lecturer’s learning content

Learning content uploaded and created by using services provided by us – such as videos, screencasts, quiz questions, documents and similar educational content (“educational content”) – is only available to users within the same organization in which they were created or submitted and to which they have been allocated.

§ 5 Recipient of personal data

Additional processors and third parties are necessary for the delivery of our service. These receive, inter alia, personal data. These services and the purposes for which the data are submitted to them are listed in the following paragraphs. Apart from this, only specific employees from Lecturio have access to personal data when this is required for delivering a service.

§ 6 User account and registration

We store and use data provided by you when subscribing to our services or using our services, such as when opening a member account, for the purpose of performing the services you would like to use according to contract. These data include email address, password, name, title as well as other information (such as age, sex, final degree, etc.) that you submit when setting up a member account. If you have submitted on this occasion a high school email address also, it will be used for the sole purpose of verifying if you attend that specific school or educational institute.

§ 7 Payment services

If you want to provide fee-based services on our website, you will have to additionally submit bank, credit card or other payment processing data and your address as well as other information during the ordering process. Of course, we will handle all information submitted by you in accordance with legal requirements and within the framework of the collaboration agreed upon. Payment processing data will be forwarded to processors within the framework of the statutory provisions in order to be able to process the payment. We will not store your credit card data. The personal data provided by you and relevant for the payment processing are subject to the security and data protection regulations of the following services:

Braintree Inc., 222 W Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 800, Chicago, IL 60654, USA (“Braintree”).

Braintree is PCI DSS certified and therefore meet the most stringent requirements for safe handling and storage of credit card data.

You will find more information about the security of your personal data with regard to credit card payments on

§ 8 Cookies

We use so-called cookies on our websites. These are small text information that is stored on your computer. Cookies enable us to speed up the navigation on our website, to adapt it to your needs and interests and to avoid the misuse of our services. Our server may thus identify your computer as soon as you connect to our website, so that you don’t have to log in every time you visit our website. We use so-called permanent cookies on our websites. These enable us to preserve and provide your personal settings or displays over a longer period (depending on each service) within the context of the service. Permanent cookies are deleted automatically after a specified duration that may be different for each cookie. You may delete the cookies at any time in the security settings of your browser. You can configure your browser settings according to your wishes and refuse to accept cookies. But please note that you may not be able to use all functions of the website in this case. Cookies that are stored by our service in your browser:

Cookie name Purpose Storage duration
lssn This is a session cookie. This saves a so-called session identifier (session ID). This is used to assign several requests from a user on our website to his session so that the user does not have to log in again on each subpage or re-enter other information that has already been entered. Duration of the browser session
lctrk This cookie contains a visitor ID that is used to assign the “visitor progress” (videos viewed, solved quiz questions) to a user account when this user registers as a new visitor. 2 years
lctii This cookie contains an identification token that assigns the user’s access to our organization. 2 years
lctalc This cookie contains an auto-login key. It is only set if the “Stay logged in” check box is checked when the user logs in. This means that the user is automatically logged in when the website is opened again, even after the session has expired and / or the browser window has been closed. 2 years
lctlk This login key cookie contains a token that is assigned to a user. This token is used by the auto login to log in the correct user. It is only set if the “Stay logged in” checkbox is checked when the user logs in. 2 years
prc This cookie stores the selected language of the user. Duration of the browser session

§ 9 Newsletter

You have the possibility to subscribe to our newsletter. The submission of your email address is necessary for this purpose. We use Episerver (“Episerver”), a service provided by Episerver GmbH, Wallstrasse 16, 10179 Berlin, Germany, to send our newsletter. We use the so-called double-opt-in process (DOI). After subscription to our newsletter, you will receive an email where you will be asked for confirmation. When registering for the newsletter, we will store your IP address and the date of registration. This storing only serves as proof in the case that a third party misuses an email address and subscribes to the newsletter without the knowledge of the party concerned.

A so-called tracking pixel is used upon opening a newsletter. The following data are stored thereby: email address, newsletter, opening date and time. The links in our newsletters contain tracking information that enables us to determine which links were of interest to you if you have clicked them. The following data are stored in Episerver via the tracking link: email address, newsletter, link, date and time.

You can revoke your approval to receive newsletters at the email address specified by you at any time for the future by sending an email to

§ 10 Duration during which personal data are stored

The duration of personal data storage is based upon the legal storage period and the personal data are routinely deleted after the expiry of this period or immediately after termination of the membership of Lecturio or at an earlier date upon request of a person concerned, insofar as the data are not required to fulfill or initiate a contract. The following data are stored beyond termination of contract for so long as they are required for a specific purpose:

  • offer data: 1 year (after feedback from the client),
  • contract documents: 10 years,
  • IP data: 3 years (regular limitation period)
  • legal matters: 6 years
  • claims: 10 years

In order to terminate your membership, please contact our customer service by sending an email to

§ 11 Rights of the data subject

You have as person concerned the following rights:

  • right of access by the data subject
  • right to rectification or erasure as well as restriction of data processing
  • right to object to data processing
  • right to data portability
  • right of appeal before supervisory authoritie

If you want to exercise any of these rights, please contact our data protection officer or our customer service by sending an email to or We reserve the right to charge an appropriate fee on the basis of administrative costs in the case of unusually common requests of individual persons.

§ 12 Transfer of personal data to third parties

We collaborate with specific external service providers in order to process your data, for IT hosting services also. We guarantee that the data are transferred with due regard to the applicable data protection provisions. If these service providers are located in a country outside China Mainland, we inform them about these provisions in conjunction with the respective functions. These data are also processed in compliance with the prevailing legal norms.

§ 13 Sweepstakes

Separate conditions apply to the collection and processing of personal data when taking part in sweepstakes, contest or competitions organized by us.

§ 14 Miscellaneous

If a third party registered with us by using your email address, please inform us and we will immediately delete your profile, if this is what you desire.

We reserve the right to update this privacy statement at any time in the course of improving our services and implementing new technologies. We therefore recommend that you reread this privacy statement from time to time.